March 29, from “Strengthening My Recovery” daily reader
“We have a high tolerance for workplace dysfunction and tend to stick it out in an unhappy job because we lack the self-esteem to leave.” BRB p. 419
Many of us were trained to be numb, so we were. We didn’t speak up for ourselves at work or anywhere because it made us feel guilty. When we were abused, we stayed way past respectable limits. We were prone to being bullied. When put on the spot, we usually crumbled, even though we knew in our gut we were right. Underneath, we seethed with anger and resentment.
As we change and grow with the steps, sponsorship and meeting attendance, we take our recovery with us everywhere. We see direct results as we leave destructive self-abuse behind in our personal life and detach from those we are addicted to, oftentimes our parents. In our work life, it can seem as if a spell has been broken. People who used to push us around or take us for granted now begin to respond differently as we set healthy limits. We are changing the rules, and it has a ripple effect.
We are more than our jobs and now give ourselves the gift of free time to enjoy the things we like. This builds our character and self-esteem, one day at a time.
On this day I will begin to stand up for myself at work and elsewhere when I need to. I will gently say no to what is not right for me and celebrate my successes. I will ask for help to deal with anything negative I may get in return.
My Experience:
For me, workplace recovery means I no longer have to take on everything and make all decisions in a bubble. I used to think it would be weak of me to seek out guidance or help for any work situation, in fact I prided myself on the fact that “I got this.” But as I grow in program, I understand that it is ok that I don’t have all the answers, that I seek help and I seek guidance. I no longer have to strive for perfection, I just need to do the best that I can, be the best version of me that I can be. I also need to take my time off and enjoy the things I like to do, without worrying that things at work will fall apart without me there. I rely on those folks that are there to complete the tasks while I am away as they should be able to handle it. How much more calm my life is today!!
Instagram: bkcoates
Facebook: brian coates
Twitter: @cornbread182