I can’t believe that it has been one whole year since I started the journey of “Strengthening My Recovery.”  Thank you all for following and being able relate to my experiences.  Because you have shared and commiserated with me, I know it has helped some, and for that I know that it was well worth sharing.  There are some “friends” that thought I was going crazy and for those I know that it was worth sharing as I now know they are not really friends and I have been able to separate myself from those false prophets.  Others have not been able to let me know if it helped or not, because it was too painful, too overwhelming, or just too much.  But someday some of what I shared will resonate with you and for that I know that my sharing was worth it.  It has been a bumpy ride, but well worth it.  Over the next couple of months, I will provide some reruns of some of my past posts from “Strengthening My Recovery,” but my next venture of this healing journey is to explore Trauma Healing.  This is another layer of the onion that needs to be peeled and I will share my traumas and my healing efforts with you.  I hope you continue to follow and receive value from this life changing experience.  I will explore things like Holotrophic Breathwork, EMDR, Yoga, Massage, Bonding work, Grief work, Food Attachment, Inner Child Work, etc.  I hope you are up for this ride for 2020 it should be a good one!