Dec 15, from “Strengthening My Recovery” daily readerP

“Gradually, with our Higher Power’s help, we will learn to expect the best and get it.” BRB p. 591

“Our Higher Power is always ready to assist us in realizing our spiritual wholeness. If we take the time and effort to do the work, we will be repaid a thousandfold.

So what are we to expect after all our work? To be the singularly awesome human beings our Higher Power meant us to be with all our wonderful and our not-so wonderful gifts.  Our Higher Power unconditionally loves us from our gray hair to our mohawks, from our double chins to our crooked toes. We are loved for our humanness – creations as magnificent as the galaxies. We are spiritual beings who are having a human experience filled with hurdles and hoops, minor fender benders and colossal blunders.

We have many splendid gifts that we have only just begun to discover. We are learning to ask for the best and we stop placing limits on what we think that is.  As we continue to work hard and have faith in our Higher Power, we are amazed to uncover even greater gifts that were just waiting for us to discover.

On this day I will not limit my expectations to small ideas. With my Higher Power’s help on my recovery journey, I may get more than I can imagine: Me.”

My experience:

“I now live a life beyond my wildest dreams.”  I have heard this said, and wondered if and when it could apply to me.  What are my dreams, what do I want out of life?  Once you work this ACA program and you take an honest look, you may discover, like me, that you have begun to live a life beyond your wildest dreams.  In the past, I thought about writing a book.  I was not sure what the topic would be, I had no sort of timeframe of which I was to write this book, and I didn’t even have a clue that it wasn’t any more than just a thought.  After sustained and continued work in this program, I have written and published a book, “A Gladiator’s Journey.” You could say that having written the book was part of the dream.  However, having written and published a book that told a story of my journey in poetic verse is way beyond my wildest dreams.  Poetic verse, me?  I was a guy that wasn’t particularly fond of writing, let alone writing poetry, when I was in school.  I was a numbers guy, meaning I was very logical and not esoteric in my thinking, which is what you need in order to create poetry.  Then I took another bold step to start writing a blog.  Hell, I didn’t even know what a blog was.  Now I am sharing and potentially helping people from all over the world.  Although I continue to grow and hopefully there are many more aha moments for me, today I can say I am living a life beyond my wildest dreams. 


Heard one day in a meeting and it was said with such a beam

I live a life today, beyond my wildest dreams

There is fear and exhilaration in that statement you see

I wonder would it would take to be blessed by me

Thinking about it brought serious panic to my belt

Courage is the thing that would make it all melt

But where does one start as I am unsure about that

The serenity prayer due to suffering from its lack

Because some become gladiator’s and falsely emit

Others take it on the chin wherever they sit

Still others are very easily led astray

While the rest just exist every single day

Something extraordinary I think is wanted by all

They just don’t know how and worry about the walks fall

To keep upright though, takes faith and desire

Sometimes the walk includes coals of fire

So I say, unhide from your failures of the past

Unhide from previous loves that didn’t last

Unhide from the opinions that others might think

Unhide from those stares that in the past would sink

Unhide from all the materialistic things

Unhide and show that your heart does sing
Unhide and take a step back to reassess

Unhide and determine that your needs will be addressed

For your particular journey these are needed by all

To ensure stability as you step outside the box and not fall

Remember as you enter the abyss and attempt to exit the other side

It’s imperative that you have the courage and faith to unhide.