Nov 3, from “Strengthening My Recovery” daily reader
“In ACA, we begin to get in touch with a loving Higher Power that some of us choose to call God. We realize we have an inner compass that is steering us, and we are not alone.
As we continue to pray and meditate, we often find that the image of our Higher Power changes. This is okay; it is a normal part of growth. We are changing, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. But we are always striving to move forward, seeking what is right for us. We no longer struggle or fight when we get confused. When we are looking for answers, we stop and smell the roses until they come naturally. We don’t let others throw us off.
We no longer allow our dysfunctional families to control what we think and say about ourselves and our lives.
Our spiritual path does not need to match anyone else’s. We pray for our own knowledge, not the answers for anyone else. If we truly listen, we see that our Inner Children are steering us closer to our Higher Power as they ask to be nurtured and loved. With guidance, we are choosing the next right thing to do for ourselves.”
My experience:
I could never understand the concept of God. Someone up above that knows all and seesall. But different religions speak ofdifferent versions of God. However, mostdescribe God as a punishing being if you do not follow correctly or believeproperly. This always turned meoff. So for the sake of being spiritual,the ACA program allows for the possibility of a higher power. My higher power only wants the best for me;it understands my struggles, my survival, and my place in the world today. My higher power wants me to heal and is thereto take all the burdens that I carry, all the bad things that have happened,all the bad things I have done and offers forgiveness and guidance. My higher power knows I am not perfect, but Iam human and I have love in my heart and truly want to do the rightthings. My higher power knows I want tobe loved for just being who I am and guides me to love myself first in order tobe able to recognize and receive love from others. I am so very grateful to have discovered myhigher power; honestly my life depended on it.