I started my step two work and am utilizing the ACA yellow 12-stepworkbook to do so. In meeting with my sponsor, I came prepared having completed the reading and working through some of the questions the book provides. During our meeting I was asked what my definition of insanity was, the very first question that is asked in the yellow book. I had already answered the question, so I thought. But after having discussion surrounding this question, I understood that I did not fully grasp the question and of course I did not fully answer the question. This is where I fully appreciate the help of a sponsor to work the steps. Based on our discussion I have decided to revisit this question to be much more complete, meaningful and clear.
What is my definition of Insanity?
- Insanity is the continual expectation of my needs being met when I have not identified my needs and/or clearly made my needs known. Once I have identified those needs, insanity would then be defined as not having the courage to put my feelings on the line and communicate those needs to those around me as well as the courage to rid my life of those people that would continue the unacceptable behavior towards me
- Trying to change people
- Allowing others judgement of me to control my life/behavior