Nov 5, from “Strengthening My Recovery” daily reader

“HALT is an acronym that is well known in many Twelve Step programs. It stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. When we feel out of balance, it’s often that one or more of these things are in play. When we become aware of what’s going on, we can take the necessary steps to mend ourselves.

There’s often an “S” added at the end of HALT that stands for “Serious”. It might also stand for “scared” or “sad” or “sick” – feelings or conditions we have had most of our lives, but haven’t always identified the effect they’ve had. When the “S” is happening, it’s time to be even gentler with ourselves.

We’ve learned that ignoring our reality doesn’t make it go away. Even long-term ACAs can see their program seemingly fly out the window whenever HALTS isn’t addressed. At these especially vulnerable times, the remedies might include connecting with our Higher Power, going to meetings, and talking to other ACAs. We are learning that these things help us have balance in our lives.”

My experience:

Mind blown!!  In retrospect, there are many times that I have been too hungry, angry, lonely, tired, and/or serious.  The only one that I had come to recognize was being too hungry and the associated behavior that I displayed when that situation arose.  I now understand the other to and how they affect my outlook and mood.  For me, I now recognize that being lonely was my biggest issue.  I could be in a relationship, in a room full of people, etc.  and still be as lonely as can be.  Part of it is how I was raised, being a loner and figuring things out on my own.  The other part is people misunderstanding me.  People mistake my shyness as standoffishness, they mistake my mood as being angry, they mistake my anger for something it is not.  I am shy, I am moody because I want to do things or connect with you but don’t know how, I am angry because I am in my head trying to figure out a problem that I feel like I cannot ask for help with.  The weight of the world is on my shoulders and I am angry so as to attempt to stop you from trying to dump another problem on me.   I am now living a more balanced life.  I make sure to get enough sleep, not staying up to watch some movie.  I exercise regularly now.  I journal, write poetry and blog in order to get my feelings out.  My life is starting to look and feel different than any time in the past.  When those life situations present themselves that could adversely affect my mood and/or outlook I just have to remember HALTS.