August 17, from “Strengthening My Recovery” daily reader
“We learn that real choice is God’s gift to us for letting go.” BRBp.155
As children, we may have felt trapped in an unhappy home life because we had no control over a parent’s drinking or other family dysfunction. We carry this feeling into adulthood, often feeling like victims of circumstances or of people who trigger in us painful childhood memories.
In Step Three, we may be confused about what it means to turn our will over to our Higher Power – that without our will we will be trapped with no options. We worry that we will be giving away our power. In reality we are giving over our controlling nature to our Higher Power. As we learn to focus on what is within our control, namely ourselves, and let go of control over other people, places, and things, we open ourselves up to more choice. We learn that we can choose our actions in situations, rather than reacting and feeling like a victim. We can let our Higher Power take over what is not ours to control. This frees us to begin making life- affirming choices.
On this day I give what I am not meant to control over to the care of my Higher Power. In its place I feel a greater freedom of choice than I have ever felt before.
My Experience:
“God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” The Serenity Prayer is where all choice comes from. When I have the courage to change/choose the things I can and ask for the wisdom to know what those things are, choices are abound. I cannot experience serenity when I am trying to control those things/people/places for which I have no control. Paradoxically, as I let go, I gain more choices. This may sound weird, but when you get there, you will clearly see the path to greater choice. Join me!
Instagram: bkcoates
Facebook: a childhood recovered
Twitter: @cornbread182