
Musing of the day:

The journey of blogging has already been so helpful and revealing.  I have had many friends reach out with their own journeys, very similar to mine, and want to talk about them.  Since the beginning of this recovery process I have recognized that we do not know each other like we should.  You can have people in your life that you call friends and never know that they have had dysfunction in their childhood.  You can sit in an office next to someone for years, and not know that they may be contemplating suicide, their child or parent is sick or on drugs, their financial situation is dire, or a plethora of other things.  Why, because we have all been taught to grin and bear it.  A perfect example of this is a show that I started watching recently titled, “a million little things.”  This group of 4 very close friends did not know that one was contemplating suicide, one that was in so much pain that he wanted to commit suicide, and one that was having an affair with the others wife. Why? We fail to have real conversations and ultimately fail to empathize with each other.  I want to have real conversations.  We don’t have to solve all the worlds’ ills; oftentimes a person just needs an ear.  They need to say it out loud and get it out of their heads.  Friends, old and new, I can be your ear if you need me to.